|~名称|~装備Lv|~防御力|~S T R|~V I T|~A G I|~D E X|~I N T|~M I D|~特殊効果|~入手法|~処分法|~備考|h
|John,I agree with your latter point   sttaes can and should allow interstate competition in health insurance.But as for the former, allowing interstate competition for insurance is something the federal government has the authority to do (arguably, the only thing they have to Constitutional authority to do in regard to health care), as if falls under the interstate commerce clause.Indeed, if California required you buy food from only California licensed farmers, or cars built by California automakers, or electronics from approved California vendors, simply because you live in California (indeed, they would search you at the border if you bought any of these in Arizona), it would/should be struck down by the courts.  Why should health insurance be treated differently than other products?|John,I agree with your latter point   sttaes can and should allow interstate competition in health insurance.But as for the former, allowing interstate competition for insurance is something the federal government has the authority to do (arguably, the only thing they have to Constitutional authority to do in regard to health care), as if falls under the interstate commerce clause.Indeed, if California required you buy food from only California licensed farmers, or cars built by California automakers, or electronics from approved California vendors, simply because you live in California (indeed, they would search you at the border if you bought any of these in Arizona), it would/should be struck down by the courts.  Why should health insurance be treated differently than other products?|John,I agree with your latter point   sttaes can and should allow interstate competition in health insurance.But as for the former, allowing interstate competition for insurance is something the federal government has the authority to do (arguably, the only thing they have to Constitutional authority to do in regard to health care), as if falls under the interstate commerce clause.Indeed, if California required you buy food from only California licensed farmers, or cars built by California automakers, or electronics from approved California vendors, simply because you live in California (indeed, they would search you at the border if you bought any of these in Arizona), it would/should be struck down by the courts.  Why should health insurance be treated differently than other products?|John,I agree with your latter point   sttaes can and should allow interstate competition in health insurance.But as for the former, allowing interstate competition for insurance is something the federal government has the authority to do (arguably, the only thing they have to Constitutional authority to do in regard to health care), as if falls under the interstate commerce clause.Indeed, if California required you buy food from only California licensed farmers, or cars built by California automakers, or electronics from approved California vendors, simply because you live in California (indeed, they would search you at the border if you bought any of these in Arizona), it would/should be struck down by the courts.  Why should health insurance be treated differently than other products?|John,I agree with your latter point   sttaes can and should allow interstate competition in health insurance.But as for the former, allowing interstate competition for insurance is something the federal government has the authority to do (arguably, the only thing they have to Constitutional authority to do in regard to health care), as if falls under the interstate commerce clause.Indeed, if California required you buy food from only California licensed farmers, or cars built by California automakers, or electronics from approved California vendors, simply because you live in California (indeed, they would search you at the border if you bought any of these in Arizona), it would/should be struck down by the courts.  Why should health insurance be treated differently than other products?|John,I agree with your latter point   sttaes can and should allow interstate competition in health insurance.But as for the former, allowing interstate competition for insurance is something the federal government has the authority to do (arguably, the only thing they have to Constitutional authority to do in regard to health care), as if falls under the interstate commerce clause.Indeed, if California required you buy food from only California licensed farmers, or cars built by California automakers, or electronics from approved California vendors, simply because you live in California (indeed, they would search you at the border if you bought any of these in Arizona), it would/should be struck down by the courts.  Why should health insurance be treated differently than other products?|John,I agree with your latter point   sttaes can and should allow interstate competition in health insurance.But as for the former, allowing interstate competition for insurance is something the federal government has the authority to do (arguably, the only thing they have to Constitutional authority to do in regard to health care), as if falls under the interstate commerce clause.Indeed, if California required you buy food from only California licensed farmers, or cars built by California automakers, or electronics from approved California vendors, simply because you live in California (indeed, they would search you at the border if you bought any of these in Arizona), it would/should be struck down by the courts.  Why should health insurance be treated differently than other products?|John,I agree with your latter point   sttaes can and should allow interstate competition in health insurance.But as for the former, allowing interstate competition for insurance is something the federal government has the authority to do (arguably, the only thing they have to Constitutional authority to do in regard to health care), as if falls under the interstate commerce clause.Indeed, if California required you buy food from only California licensed farmers, or cars built by California automakers, or electronics from approved California vendors, simply because you live in California (indeed, they would search you at the border if you bought any of these in Arizona), it would/should be struck down by the courts.  Why should health insurance be treated differently than other products?|John,I agree with your latter point   sttaes can and should allow interstate competition in health insurance.But as for the former, allowing interstate competition for insurance is something the federal government has the authority to do (arguably, the only thing they have to Constitutional authority to do in regard to health care), as if falls under the interstate commerce clause.Indeed, if California required you buy food from only California licensed farmers, or cars built by California automakers, or electronics from approved California vendors, simply because you live in California (indeed, they would search you at the border if you bought any of these in Arizona), it would/should be struck down by the courts.  Why should health insurance be treated differently than other products?|John,I agree with your latter point   sttaes can and should allow interstate competition in health insurance.But as for the former, allowing interstate competition for insurance is something the federal government has the authority to do (arguably, the only thing they have to Constitutional authority to do in regard to health care), as if falls under the interstate commerce clause.Indeed, if California required you buy food from only California licensed farmers, or cars built by California automakers, or electronics from approved California vendors, simply because you live in California (indeed, they would search you at the border if you bought any of these in Arizona), it would/should be struck down by the courts.  Why should health insurance be treated differently than other products?|John,I agree with your latter point   sttaes can and should allow interstate competition in health insurance.But as for the former, allowing interstate competition for insurance is something the federal government has the authority to do (arguably, the only thing they have to Constitutional authority to do in regard to health care), as if falls under the interstate commerce clause.Indeed, if California required you buy food from only California licensed farmers, or cars built by California automakers, or electronics from approved California vendors, simply because you live in California (indeed, they would search you at the border if you bought any of these in Arizona), it would/should be struck down by the courts.  Why should health insurance be treated differently than other products?|John,I agree with your latter point   sttaes can and should allow interstate competition in health insurance.But as for the former, allowing interstate competition for insurance is something the federal government has the authority to do (arguably, the only thing they have to Constitutional authority to do in regard to health care), as if falls under the interstate commerce clause.Indeed, if California required you buy food from only California licensed farmers, or cars built by California automakers, or electronics from approved California vendors, simply because you live in California (indeed, they would search you at the border if you bought any of these in Arizona), it would/should be struck down by the courts.  Why should health insurance be treated differently than other products?|John,I agree with your latter point   sttaes can and should allow interstate competition in health insurance.But as for the former, allowing interstate competition for insurance is something the federal government has the authority to do (arguably, the only thing they have to Constitutional authority to do in regard to health care), as if falls under the interstate commerce clause.Indeed, if California required you buy food from only California licensed farmers, or cars built by California automakers, or electronics from approved California vendors, simply because you live in California (indeed, they would search you at the border if you bought any of these in Arizona), it would/should be struck down by the courts.  Why should health insurance be treated differently than other products?|
|~&color(purple){ダークグリーヴ};|15|193|1|3|2|3|-|-|なし|[[鍛冶Lv3>System/生産/鍛冶/防具#smithlv3]](成功率30%)&br;製作図:M-5|売:&br;解:|高品質:防198&br;精錬:防203&br;完璧:防213 |
|~&color(#00BFFF){ナイトグリーヴ};|20|182|3|4|2|1|-|-|なし|[[鍛冶Lv4>System/生産/鍛冶/防具#smithlv4]](成功率70%)&br;防交[ゴ]:第2×15 第3×22|売:&br;解:3×14|高品質:防187&br;完璧:防202|
|~&color(#00BFFF){アズライグリーヴ};|25|236|3|5|3|2|-|1|なし|[[鍛冶Lv5>System/生産/鍛冶/防具#smithlv5]](成功率70%) &br;D:レインボースプト|売:1105&br;解:4×5|高品質:防242&br;精錬:防248|
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|~&color(#00BFFF){セレネグリーヴ};|35|325|7|5|5|4|-|2|なし|[[鍛冶Lv7>System/生産/鍛冶/防具#smithlv7]](成功率60%)&br;防交[ア]:第3×31 第4×19|売:3447&br;解:5×8|高品質:防337&br;精錬:防349&br;完璧:防373|
|I love reading these articles bceuase they\'re short but informative.|I love reading these articles bceuase they\'re short but informative.|I love reading these articles bceuase they\'re short but informative.|I love reading these articles bceuase they\'re short but informative.|I love reading these articles bceuase they\'re short but informative.|I love reading these articles bceuase they\'re short but informative.|I love reading these articles bceuase they\'re short but informative.|I love reading these articles bceuase they\'re short but informative.|I love reading these articles bceuase they\'re short but informative.|I love reading these articles bceuase they\'re short but informative.|I love reading these articles bceuase they\'re short but informative.|I love reading these articles bceuase they\'re short but informative.|I love reading these articles bceuase they\'re short but informative.|
|Your post has litfed the level of debate|Your post has litfed the level of debate|Your post has litfed the level of debate|Your post has litfed the level of debate|Your post has litfed the level of debate|Your post has litfed the level of debate|Your post has litfed the level of debate|Your post has litfed the level of debate|Your post has litfed the level of debate|Your post has litfed the level of debate|Your post has litfed the level of debate|Your post has litfed the level of debate|Your post has litfed the level of debate|
|~&color(purple){ペンタスグリーヴ};|39|373|9|9|3|5|-|2|なし|D:海賊長&br;  パドカーの航海士|売:3840&br;解:5×9||
|~&color(purple){プリトグリーヴ};|42|440|10|7|9|6|-|2|セット装備効果:&br;近距離クリ率+3% ブロック率+2%&br;HP回復速度+2&br;セットスキル:&br;「強靭な意志」瞬時にHP100を回復&br;各属性+1 HP上限+100&br;持続時間30分|交[幽2]:古の陶器×1|解:5×8|転移・販売不可|
|~&color(#00BFFF){黒帝の靴};|46|486|7|7|4|4|-|13|四属性魔法防御+44|D:ノトの花BOSS アサッシン|売:7210&br;解:6×5|なし|
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|Stay with this guys, you're hleinpg a lot of people.|Stay with this guys, you're hleinpg a lot of people.|Stay with this guys, you're hleinpg a lot of people.|Stay with this guys, you're hleinpg a lot of people.|Stay with this guys, you're hleinpg a lot of people.|Stay with this guys, you're hleinpg a lot of people.|Stay with this guys, you're hleinpg a lot of people.|Stay with this guys, you're hleinpg a lot of people.|Stay with this guys, you're hleinpg a lot of people.|Stay with this guys, you're hleinpg a lot of people.|Stay with this guys, you're hleinpg a lot of people.|Stay with this guys, you're hleinpg a lot of people.|Stay with this guys, you're hleinpg a lot of people.|
|~&color(purple){トールグリーヴ};|50|531|12|17|10|4|-|4|被クリダメ(近接)6%減少|交[狂]:トール貢献証明×20&br;     第6×27|売:13357&br;解:6×16|転移不可|
|~&color(purple){タービングリーヴ};|50|531|16|12|6|13|-|-|近接攻撃速度+3%|交[狂]:タービン貢献証明×20&br;     第6×27|売:&br;解:6×16|転移不可|
|~&color(purple){ガイアグリーヴ};|57|576|23|20|9|10|-|-|セット装備効果:&br;HP上限+100 近距離命中率+3%&br;近距離クリティカル率+2%&br;近距離クリティカルダメージ+8%&br;被クリティカルダメージ-10%|交[グ]:黄金騎士勲章×6|売:&br;解:|転移不可|
|~&color(purple){チーフグリーヴ};|60|511|14|14|16|4|5|5|なし|交[沈]:虚空の核×3 第7元素×38|売:23625&br;解:7×20|転移不可|
|~&color(purple){デスパレグリーヴ};|60|587|13|22|18|-|10|10|-|交[沈]:虚空の核×9 第7元素×38|売:&br;解:|転移不可|
|~&color(purple){障壁グリーヴ};|60|587|17|18|14|14|5|-|セット装備効果:ポイズンリジェネを使用できる。|交[魔]:サソリ毒のコア×114&br;     星河の鉄塊×120&br;     星河の木材×120|売:&br;解:|転移不可|
|~&color(purple){破魔グリーヴ};|60|587|17|19|10|17|5|-|セット装備効果:精霊の解除魔法を使用できる。|交[迷]:虚無の石ころ×114&br;     星河の鉄塊×120&br;     星河の木材×120|売:&br;解:|転移不可|
|~&color(purple){エクスブーツ};|62|587|26|20|16|-|-|8|セット装備効果:&br;STR+10 近距離命中率+5%&br;近距離クリティカル率+5%&br;近距離攻撃速度+5%&br;近距離クリティカルダメージ+8%&br;被クリティカルダメージ-15%|交[グ]:黄金騎士勲章×51|売:&br;解:|転移不可|
|~&color(#cccc11){ジョイスグリーブ};|75|812|51|46|17|46|-|10|近接攻撃速度3%増加&br;近接クリティカル率3%増加&br;近接命中率2%増加&br;近接クリティカルダメージ7%増加&br;戦闘時、HP回復速度+10&br;セットスキル「ドレイナー」:&br;被攻撃時、一定確率で相手のHPを250吸収する。|D:ウィルズレオ 0.3%&br;   パメラージ 0.05%|売:&br;解:||
|~&color(#cccc11){ボアロス};|76|832|90|73|32|10|-|-|被物理クリティカルダメージ11%減少&br;近接攻撃速度8%増加&br;戦闘時、非戦闘時MP回復速度+12&br;被クリティカル時、一定の確率で&br;ダメージの30%を吸収するシールドを発動する。&br;持続:13秒&br;フルセットボーナススキル:[プライウェル]&br;アイテムドロップ率が35%、全魔法耐性が100ポイント増加し、&br;移動速度が72ポイント減少する。 |[交][プ]:レースP:55000|売:&br;解:|<セット内容>&br;&color(#cccc11){ボアロス};|
|This site is like a csslaroom, except I don't hate it. lol|This site is like a csslaroom, except I don't hate it. lol|This site is like a csslaroom, except I don't hate it. lol|This site is like a csslaroom, except I don't hate it. lol|This site is like a csslaroom, except I don't hate it. lol|This site is like a csslaroom, except I don't hate it. lol|This site is like a csslaroom, except I don't hate it. lol|This site is like a csslaroom, except I don't hate it. lol|This site is like a csslaroom, except I don't hate it. lol|This site is like a csslaroom, except I don't hate it. lol|This site is like a csslaroom, except I don't hate it. lol|This site is like a csslaroom, except I don't hate it. lol|This site is like a csslaroom, except I don't hate it. lol|
|A rolilng stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this article.|A rolilng stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this article.|A rolilng stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this article.|A rolilng stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this article.|A rolilng stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this article.|A rolilng stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this article.|A rolilng stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this article.|A rolilng stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this article.|A rolilng stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this article.|A rolilng stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this article.|A rolilng stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this article.|A rolilng stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this article.|A rolilng stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this article.|

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