|~名称|~装備Lv|~防御力|~S T R|~V I T|~A G I|~D E X|~I N T|~M I D|~特殊効果|~入手法|~処分法|~備考|h
|~&color(#00BFFF){ビギナーガード};|5|65|-|1|-|1|-|-|なし|[[裁縫Lv1>System/生産/裁縫/ガンナー系#saigunlv1]](成功率85%)&br;D:フーチウルフ 3.0315%,ディービン 2.5998%|売:37&br;解:2×1|なし|
|~&color(#00BFFF){ファインガード};|10|97|-|1|1|2|-|-|なし|[[裁縫Lv2>System/生産/裁縫/ガンナー系#saigunlv2]](成功率85%)&br;D:ギガンテス,ウルフ 0.5014%|売:270&br;解:2×13|高品質:防100|
|~&color(#00BFFF){チェインガード};|10|97|-|1|2|1|-|-|なし|[[裁縫Lv2>System/生産/裁縫/ガンナー系#saigunlv2]](成功率85%)&br;防交[ト]:第1×20 第2×15&br;D:凶悪ウルフマン 0.4375%,ミステリードール 0.2512%|売:270&br;解:2×13|なし|
|~クイックガード|26|219|-|2|7|4|-|2|なし|D:ゴールドローグ&br;  ハインダー|売:1837&br;解:4×9|なし|
|Exactly what do QuotesChimp do about it? Now the general agreement stops working. Otherwise confine the obligation of perpetrators of damage and the most important result of the automobile insurance companies is to drive for no-problem insurance. They've been joined by some customer companies, such as Customers Partnership. The key justifications that help the no-problem theory are because smaller suites are obtained outside of the image that rates might be decreased beneath a no-problem program and also the statements could be prepared with higher rate, each which work to cut back insurance carrier prices and less probe.&br;|Exactly what do QuotesChimp do about it? Now the general agreement stops working. Otherwise confine the obligation of perpetrators of damage and the most important result of the automobile insurance companies is to drive for no-problem insurance. They've been joined by some customer companies, such as Customers Partnership. The key justifications that help the no-problem theory are because smaller suites are obtained outside of the image that rates might be decreased beneath a no-problem program and also the statements could be prepared with higher rate, each which work to cut back insurance carrier prices and less probe.&br;|Exactly what do QuotesChimp do about it? Now the general agreement stops working. Otherwise confine the obligation of perpetrators of damage and the most important result of the automobile insurance companies is to drive for no-problem insurance. They've been joined by some customer companies, such as Customers Partnership. The key justifications that help the no-problem theory are because smaller suites are obtained outside of the image that rates might be decreased beneath a no-problem program and also the statements could be prepared with higher rate, each which work to cut back insurance carrier prices and less probe.&br;|Exactly what do QuotesChimp do about it? Now the general agreement stops working. Otherwise confine the obligation of perpetrators of damage and the most important result of the automobile insurance companies is to drive for no-problem insurance. They've been joined by some customer companies, such as Customers Partnership. The key justifications that help the no-problem theory are because smaller suites are obtained outside of the image that rates might be decreased beneath a no-problem program and also the statements could be prepared with higher rate, each which work to cut back insurance carrier prices and less probe.&br;|Exactly what do QuotesChimp do about it? Now the general agreement stops working. Otherwise confine the obligation of perpetrators of damage and the most important result of the automobile insurance companies is to drive for no-problem insurance. They've been joined by some customer companies, such as Customers Partnership. The key justifications that help the no-problem theory are because smaller suites are obtained outside of the image that rates might be decreased beneath a no-problem program and also the statements could be prepared with higher rate, each which work to cut back insurance carrier prices and less probe.&br;|Exactly what do QuotesChimp do about it? Now the general agreement stops working. Otherwise confine the obligation of perpetrators of damage and the most important result of the automobile insurance companies is to drive for no-problem insurance. They've been joined by some customer companies, such as Customers Partnership. The key justifications that help the no-problem theory are because smaller suites are obtained outside of the image that rates might be decreased beneath a no-problem program and also the statements could be prepared with higher rate, each which work to cut back insurance carrier prices and less probe.&br;|Exactly what do QuotesChimp do about it? Now the general agreement stops working. Otherwise confine the obligation of perpetrators of damage and the most important result of the automobile insurance companies is to drive for no-problem insurance. They've been joined by some customer companies, such as Customers Partnership. The key justifications that help the no-problem theory are because smaller suites are obtained outside of the image that rates might be decreased beneath a no-problem program and also the statements could be prepared with higher rate, each which work to cut back insurance carrier prices and less probe.&br;|Exactly what do QuotesChimp do about it? Now the general agreement stops working. Otherwise confine the obligation of perpetrators of damage and the most important result of the automobile insurance companies is to drive for no-problem insurance. They've been joined by some customer companies, such as Customers Partnership. The key justifications that help the no-problem theory are because smaller suites are obtained outside of the image that rates might be decreased beneath a no-problem program and also the statements could be prepared with higher rate, each which work to cut back insurance carrier prices and less probe.&br;|Exactly what do QuotesChimp do about it? Now the general agreement stops working. Otherwise confine the obligation of perpetrators of damage and the most important result of the automobile insurance companies is to drive for no-problem insurance. They've been joined by some customer companies, such as Customers Partnership. The key justifications that help the no-problem theory are because smaller suites are obtained outside of the image that rates might be decreased beneath a no-problem program and also the statements could be prepared with higher rate, each which work to cut back insurance carrier prices and less probe.&br;|Exactly what do QuotesChimp do about it? Now the general agreement stops working. Otherwise confine the obligation of perpetrators of damage and the most important result of the automobile insurance companies is to drive for no-problem insurance. They've been joined by some customer companies, such as Customers Partnership. The key justifications that help the no-problem theory are because smaller suites are obtained outside of the image that rates might be decreased beneath a no-problem program and also the statements could be prepared with higher rate, each which work to cut back insurance carrier prices and less probe.&br;|Exactly what do QuotesChimp do about it? Now the general agreement stops working. Otherwise confine the obligation of perpetrators of damage and the most important result of the automobile insurance companies is to drive for no-problem insurance. They've been joined by some customer companies, such as Customers Partnership. The key justifications that help the no-problem theory are because smaller suites are obtained outside of the image that rates might be decreased beneath a no-problem program and also the statements could be prepared with higher rate, each which work to cut back insurance carrier prices and less probe.&br;|Exactly what do QuotesChimp do about it? Now the general agreement stops working. Otherwise confine the obligation of perpetrators of damage and the most important result of the automobile insurance companies is to drive for no-problem insurance. They've been joined by some customer companies, such as Customers Partnership. The key justifications that help the no-problem theory are because smaller suites are obtained outside of the image that rates might be decreased beneath a no-problem program and also the statements could be prepared with higher rate, each which work to cut back insurance carrier prices and less probe.&br;|Exactly what do QuotesChimp do about it? Now the general agreement stops working. Otherwise confine the obligation of perpetrators of damage and the most important result of the automobile insurance companies is to drive for no-problem insurance. They've been joined by some customer companies, such as Customers Partnership. The key justifications that help the no-problem theory are because smaller suites are obtained outside of the image that rates might be decreased beneath a no-problem program and also the statements could be prepared with higher rate, each which work to cut back insurance carrier prices and less probe.&br;|
|~&color(#00BFFF){フェアリガード};|35|281|-|6|8|5|-|4|なし|[[裁縫Lv7>System/生産/裁縫/ガンナー系#saigunlv7]](成功率60%)&br;防交[ア]:第3×28 第4×37 |売:&br;解:5×13|なし|
|~&color(purple){シャルガード};|42|353|-|12|12|7|-|3|セット装備効果:&br;遠距離攻撃クリティカル率+3%&br;遠距離命中率+2%&br;MP回復速度+2&br;セットスキル:&br;「折れぬ心」瞬時にHP100を回復&br;各属性+1 MP上限+100&br;持続時間30分|交[幽2]:古の陶器×8|解:5×13|転移・販売不可|
|~&color(purple){ルインガード};|45|390|-|12|10|14|-|8|なし|[[裁縫Lv9>System/生産/裁縫/ガンナー系#saigunlv9]](成功率20%)&br;製作図:H-16|売:&br;解:|高品質:防400&br;レア 防:460|
|~&color(purple){タービンガード};|50|426|-|10|16|16|-|5|遠距離&br;クリティカルダメージ+5%|交[狂]:タービン貢献証明×35&br;     第6×42|売:21370&br;解:|転移不可|
|~&color(purple){トールガード};|50|426|-|16|15|7|-|9|遠距離攻撃による被クリダメ3%減少&br;魔法攻撃による被クリダメ4%減少|交[狂]:トール貢献証明×35&br;     第6×42|売:&br;解:|転移不可|
|~&color(purple){ソティスガード};|57|462|-|20|23|11|-|5|セット装備効果:&br;HP上限+100 遠距離命中率+3%&br;遠距離クリティカル率+2%&br;遠距離クリティカルダメージ+8%&br;被クリティカルダメージ-10%|交[グ]:黄金騎士勲章×13|売:&br;解:|転移不可|
|~&color(#00BFFF){フロンティガード};|60|449|-|16|17|17|-|8|-|交[沈]:虚空の核×5 第7×62|売:&br;解:7×|転移不可|
|~&color(purple){ラッシュガード};|60|488|-|20|21|20|-|12|-|交[沈]:虚空の核×15 第7×62|売:&br;解:7×|転移不可|
|~&color(purple){障壁のガード};|60|488|-|17|20|20|-|11|セット装備効果:ポイズンリジェネを使用できる。|交[魔]:サソリ毒のコア×186&br;     永遠の皮革×150&br;     星河の織物×150|売:&br;解:|転移不可|
|~&color(purple){破魔のガード};|60|488|-|17|19|21|-|11|セット装備効果:精霊の解除魔法を使用できる。|交[迷]:虚無の石ころ×186&br;     永遠の皮革×150&br;     星河の織物×150|売:&br;解:|転移不可|
|~&color(purple){ハヤブサガード};|62|488|-|20|26|11|-|13|セット装備効果:&br;AGI+10 遠距離命中率+5%&br;遠距離クリティカル率+5%&br;遠距離攻撃速度+5%&br;遠距離クリティカルダメージ+8%&br;被クリティカルダメージ-15%|交[グ]:黄金騎士勲章×76|売:&br;解:|転移不可|
|~&color(orange){キマイラガード};|75|593|-|43|43|44|10|10|遠距離クリティカルダメージ28%増加&br;遠距離命中率3%増加&br;セットスキル「サイレルーフ」:&br;周囲5体の敵の攻撃を封じる。持続時間3秒&br;セットスキル「コンフォール」:&br;遠距離攻撃時、一定確率で敵からのヘイト減少。|裁縫Lv14&br;製作図H-26|売:&br;解:|精錬:629&br;&color(gray){品質により&br;AGI,DEX,MID上昇 };|
|~&color(#cccc11){ジョイスガード};|75|651|-|47|51|46|13|13|遠距離攻撃速度3%増加&br;遠距離クリティカル率3%増加&br;遠距離命中率2%増加&br;遠距離クリティカルダメージ7%増加&br;戦闘時、MP回復速度+5&br;戦闘時、HP回復速度+5&br;セットスキル「ブルズサイン」:&br;選択した目標1体に対し、125%のダメージ。&br;同時に「ブルウィンド」の効果を付与する。範囲4メートル。&br;「ブルウィンド」:&br;被攻撃時、一定確率で200ポイントの風属性ダメージを与え続ける。&br;持続時間30秒|D:闇のニデア 0.1%|売:&br;解:||

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